
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Long time, no see...

Sorry for the delay in posting anything, folks.  I was sick (see prior postings) and then I was very busy getting caught up with work.  And, I've taken on a side project with a team of developers to produce a new SaaS application.  So, I've had my hands full lately.

I will, however, resume to making daily posts soon.  But, I've got a new domain that is private (as in, not hosted by Blogspot) and I have to get the Wordpress theme set up.  I'll do that as soon as I can.  Then, I'll be posting there from that point on.

Anyway, check back here in the next few days for the link to the new blog.

Thanks and have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just checking in. Hope Spring isn't ravaging you too badly.