
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How I'm Learning to Love Public Speaking (well, not really love...)

I'm giving a presentation today to the Safety Council here at KSC.  I do one every so often to help out the chair-person of the group.  At first, giving these little presentations were scary.  The research involved in putting together a presentation was nothing.  But, having to speak in front of people is something that unnerves me a bit.

However, one thing that I've noticed is that I'm actually getting to the point of looking forward to these presentations.  I think they're helping me to break out of my comfort zone.

I've also been doing demonstrations of the latest app that I'm working on.  Here at KSC, it's usually the project manager that does the demo, but since the start of this project, I've been the one doing the demos.  I was asked to do so, the first couple of times.  But, I've volunteered to do them all the time now.

I guess by exposing myself to a fear of mine (public speaking), I have slowly, but surely, made progress in getting over that fear.

Oh, the reason I chose a beach scene for the graphic above is that my safety presentation today is all about staying safe at the beach! :-)

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