
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Being a programmer is like being an artist.

You know what's cool about being a programmer?  It's the same thing that makes being an artist cool.  The ability to envision something, to see it in your brain, and then write code to make it manifest into reality.  That is what's cool about being a programmer.

We're working on an app at work that started from nothing but an idea.  We looked at an old, outdated app that needed replacing, and envisioned ways to make it better, more modern.  Slowly, but surely, we've built that app, piece by piece.  Our thoughts, our words in meetings, our emails, they've all been poured into a creation that, for a time, only existed in our thoughts.

Same with web design.  If you can think it, you can build it.  Saying it that way, I guess you could apply this to almost any job!  But, still, I think it's cool that someone can just have idea and with a little perseverance they can produce something that exists in reality.

So, think about this: If you have a computer, and can program in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, you can probably find a lot of businesses that need your help.  Think of how nice it would be to be able to work from home, doing work for companies as a freelance web designer and getting paid for it.

If this sounds interesting to you, and you're willing to put in the time equity, you should check out Free Code Camp.

Free Code Camp has over 800 hours, a year's worth, of tutorials and lessons that teach you how to be a web developer.  The best part is, it's totally free!  No contracts, no signing away your first born.  All they ask is that while you learn your skills, you help a few non-profits with their web problems along the way.  That's it!  You get online training AND real-world experience, for free.  Just for helping out.  And, if you don't want to help, you don't have to.  You can take the entire curriculum, learn at your own pace, and never have to help a non-profit.  But, you'd be doing yourself a huge disservice by doing that.  You don't want to miss out on what working on real-world web problems can do for your skill set.

Anyway, if you're inclined, check them out.  Learn some new skills, help some non-profits, and get started on an awesome path to a new career!

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