
Sunday, January 31, 2016


Next year, in October, we're planning a trip to Shanghai, China.  I've read a lot of interesting and fun things about the "paradise of adventure".  What was once a small fishing village called "Hudu" (derived from the name of a small, wooden fishing trap) is now a bustling and modern metropolis.

Shanghai is China's largest and richest city and has a blend of Western and Eastern cultures.  I think it'll offer an awesome experience for us.  Right now, I'm learning Simplified Chinese (pinyin) and I'm hoping that once I'm through with my lessons that I'll be able to understand at least 65% of written and spoken Chinese.  I'm also hoping to interest Amy and Ava in learning the language, at least enough to get around in Shanghai.

I know that in the past that I've always said "I'm going to do this." or "I'm going to do that." and never follow through.  I want this to be different.  So, what I'm going to do is make a calendar and list of things that need to get done before the trip.  I'll hang up pictures around the apartment to remind us of what we're planning on doing.  I'll have weekly sessions with the family to see where we're at with our plans to get to China (you know, how much money have we saved, what's the status of our passports, how do you say "Where's the bathroom?" in Chinese, etc) to keep us on track and excited for the adventure.

So, I guess I need to make a checklist of steps we need to take in order to get to China and, as the event looms closer in 2017, figure out the exact dates that we'll be visiting there.  I'll keep this blog updated so you'll know where we're at in the process of getting to Shanghai.

Here's some links to sites about Shanghai, if you're interested:
  1. Fodor's Travel
  2. CNN's 20 Reasons to Visit Shanghai in 2012 (a little outdated, but mostly relevant)
  3. (YouTube) A Day in Shanghai
  4. Lonely Planet: Shanghai

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