
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Can't sleep? Eat.

Good morning!  It's a brisk 52 degrees here in sunny Florida.  I know a lot of native Floridians are probably bundled up this morning like it's 30 degrees.  I'm actually enjoying the cooler temperatures, though.

I've been on a calorie-restricted diet this past week (aren't all diets calorie-restricted?).  Well, I should say a VERY calorie-restricted diet.  Up until last night, everything was going to plan.  However, I've noticed that in this almost-fasting state, my brain is firing on all cylinders, almost constantly.  It's as if I've miraculously gotten this fantastic energy boost... and it's all going to my brain.  The downside of this is that my brain won't seem to shut down when it's time for bed.  So, last night, I went to sleep at my usual time.  However, my brain wouldn't shut up.  Thought after constant thought.  Finally, after laying there for a while with sleep no closer than when I first got in the bed, I got up.  I figured that maybe my brain was running at full speed because my whole body was clear of all the junk food that I had been eating before I started the diet.

Seriously, since day three of this almost-fasting diet, I have had tons of energy and a marked increase in brain function.  I seem to be able to focus a lot easier, and distractions don't distract me for as long as they once did.  The only problem with this increased cerebral activity, though, is that my brain doesn't seem to ever want to shut down.  For instance, on day four of the diet, I wanted a nap.  I was tired and wanted to take about an hour nap.  I laid in the bed and went to sleep.  Seventeen minutes later, I woke up.  I was fully refreshed and thought I'd been asleep much longer.  I was so surprised to see that I had only slept about fifteen minutes (took about two to go to sleep)!

So, I'm thinking that the reason I couldn't sleep last night was because my brain is on a kick because of the diet.  Maybe it thinks I don't need as much sleep, or maybe it just wasn't ready to go to sleep.  I don't know, but I was frustrated.  So, my solution was to get up and raid the kitchen.  Now, I wasn't even hungry, but I figured that my brain would only stop if I felt "full".  So, I ate two cans of cream of mushroom soup, two sticks of string-cheese, a pickled egg, and a tablespoon of tuna.  That was a lot of food at one time, not too carb-loaded either.  But, it did the trick.  I felt full and lethargic and my brain said "Okay.  Let's get back in the bed and try this again."  It took me about 10 minutes to fall asleep and I slept until the Sun came up this morning.  I woke up before the alarm went off, feeling refreshed.

I'm curious now, though, about why my brain is acting like this.  You'd think with being on such a restricted diet that I'd feel sluggish with no energy at all.  But, it's the exact opposite.  I gotta research this more to see what's happening.  I really don't want to repeat last night just to try and get some sleep.

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